All The World is a fucking stage!

You wake up, eat breakfast, take a shower and start your day.....

Seems normal right? Until you realize the only place you can talk normal is inside your head and you live in fear that you will open your mouth and lose everything when some bystander or coworker crushes your social-capita, fucks you out of a job and calls it "doing a good thing" and "serving the public interest right?"

Either you are going out like a moron, or they are. No joke, sometimes I've solved a problem by simply getting in another's face and saying "who the fuck are you!?" when they talk. Ok, so how the fuck can something like this be rationalized?

First I will draw you an abstract graph. Picture in your mind a square....or better yet, one of those cartesian planes you learned about in math class, but said to yourself "I will never again use this shit" but think again! You are using it now...In fact you can also picture yourself in the center of a square-shaped room. Equal distant to all sides. Don't you dare email me a fucking pythagorean triangle with ranges to corners vs ranges to walls you assholes! Its not that hard...

Ok, if you can't picture it, then draw it. Draw a square and a point in the middle of the square. Split it into four quadrants. Graph paper works for this. The top line should be called Vulgar/Obscene/Slang Language. The bottom line should be called Standard/Legal/Discourse Language and it makes up all the words and phrases accepted and used. The left-side line should be called the positive line, while the right-side line is called the negative line.

In the middle is where we should all strive to be. Having a balance and control over positive, negative, good and bad language. We gotta know what the bad language is in order to choosd wether to accept it or not, same for the good language. Words have their meaning and without learning them, we are fucked fown the hole without a paddle. Now comes the complexity...

Not all vulgar and obscene language is negative. Not all standard and discourse language is positive. I can say "fuck yeah, you fucking busted her up" in relation to a video game challenge and that works. Just like I can write a whole sex scene without using a single vulgar word, but to a child it will be considered to be obscene and simply not age appropriate.

Now comes where we as a people get fucked up the asshole without a stick...

We deal with faggots who tell us how to talk by restricting our language. It starts with being told that certain words are unacceptable under certain conditions, Key is condition. The common are women saying "Don't swear or talk negatively in front, of children." Watch these bitches cuss and claim its ok since they are their children. The other common thing is to be told "If you have nothing good to say, do not say it at all." Ok, so where does that put us...?

Hopefuly you have not forgotten that box I asked you to draw or picture in your mind right? Well you can forget using anything in half the northwest, the north, the northeast, the east or half the southeast corners of the box. Those first two lines thrown so innocently in your face has just restricted the use of 50% of your language.....which now becomes cognitive. Thats right! Draw a diagonal line from Top-Left to Bottom-Right and color the right side of the figure black...congrats, you can't use that language and since now you have been told to restrict language, you will spend your time thinking what to say. Your friend or enemy talking to you will not hold back in manipulating you...

Oh it gets even better...

We also have to deal with all of these fools who try to restrict your legal, discourse, and standard language. You get people who are turned off when legal things are brought up. In fact many people simply like to make up definitions when they do not know shit. The primary example is when women say "don't use the R-word." They give you a story of trauma about how using the word "rape" or any other standard word or even entire them headaches...or recalls events.

The test of this is that during the first time you use the word, the event is supposed to be recalled. Yet, these people can spend 10 minutes telling you, and repeating the word which must not be used, proving they are full of shit. If they were really into trauma, using the word would set them off instantly....simple as that and they would not use it....

What about discourse....all the morons you mention the word math and instantly they claim they get stomach aches and headaches. So basically discourse language is now restricted. Now have a person guide a conversation as well and pretty soon you will be locked into the place where you can be controlled...

....The bottom-left corner.

The bottom-left corner is the most submissive, ignorant and most vulnerable corner. You arent really given any room to use logic, reasoning and now that your language has been reduced to ashes you can spend your time acting mindless like the rest. Over 75% of your language has been restricted and you are spending more than double or triple the time to think each sentence out of fear you will hurt another...and worsr part is that person you want to help does not respect you, nor care about you...

Best thing to do is the following:

Against someone lower than you: Don't even let that person start. The reason you are talking to someone lower than you is either because he or she is your child, student or someone who came to ask a favor from you, trying to dump work on you.

Against someone your level: Tell that person he or she is full of shit and explain the behavior. If they give you the typical conditional or contradictory/manipulative speech, maybe you should rethink your relationship.

Against someone higher than you: Do not talk 1 to 1 with anyone long standing with power, unless you have a video recording device on you. A lot of these fools like making up the law and acting like anything they say is the gospel truth. Specially if you get in trouble in unfair ways. They do not care except to retain the status quo. Record them and use it against them. That is what the media is for. When the public demolishes their credibility through the ground to match your level, then you can put them in their place.

Don't become a victim, learn to detect manipulation.